Over 2300 Job-Specific and All-Purpose Magnetic Whiteboard Kits
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The Next-Job Board Kanban CardView® Systems

Start production when build-cards reach the yellow row. The red row tells you it's late and to build immediately.

Place the build-card on this Next-Job board under the part No., filling it from the bottom. Start production when build-cards reach the yellow row. The red row tells you it's late and to build immediately.

Includes 3x4" cards in 17 colors, supplied 6-up in perforated letter size sheets compatible with desktop printers, yellow and red pocket edge tape for designating your own row colors for each assembly column and FlashSpot adhesive dot labels in 5 colors give you extra status codes. The full width pockets are 2" deep, spaced to allow the top 1" of the card to be visible with the rest of the card concealed. Insert the cards in any position and slide them sideways if needed. Durable, top quality, built for every day use. The pockets are permanently fastened mechanically to the board, framed by a rugged, satin aluminum truss frame with strong impact-resistant radius corners and hidden wall hangers. One of our most popular board systems.

Also see Kanban board systems: Daily-Build, On-Hand, Job-Load, Do-Done

They are simple and effective for visual load leveling. We have them in our supply areas as well as each work cell. With the boards we always know which job we need to work on next … no time is wasted, we are always working the top priority order.

Lean manufacturing coordinator — Battery manufacturer
Lexington, KY

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com
At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the symbol before adding the item to your cart
Product code: KB-NJ
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Ships in 5 business days or less!
Next-Job Kanban CardView® systems have full width, open pockets, 2" deep, spaced 1" apart. Inserted cards leave the top 1" visible, with the rest of the card concealed.
3x4" build-cards come 6-up on perforated letter size sheets in 10 colors.

Download your card-keying templates here.
FlashSpot 1/2" adhesive dot colored status labels- red, green, yellow, blue and orange.
Removable, adhesive PreciseLine® 3/8" pocket edge tape in red and yellow, to mark your rows.

Price Chart - Order Here

Capacities, sizes and options
h x wRows4" w Cards
per row
Card Display
18" x 24"12560SELECT
2' x 3'178136SELECT
3' x 4'2711297SELECT
4' x 4'3611396SELECT
4' x 6'3617612SELECT
4' x 8'3623828SELECT