52-Week Planner™ Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard Systems
Step back a little to see your year week by week, then flexibly plan your options and major time opportunities with magnets. 3 Sizes. 3 Capacities
Broadly sketch out your year's major projects and plans, post them into the ideal week spaces with the magnetic cardholders (showing up to 50 color-combination codes for quick visual grouping and identification), then as your year becomes more sharply focused, easily move them to the appropriate time slots. Includes our Letter-Easy™ CD/ROM card-keying template for quickly printing project entries.
Used with one of our YearMaster® 365-day block planners, or GrandPlanner® 365-day line schedules, you will be able to fill in the details to visually outline the complexities and interrelationships of each supporting activity.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com

At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the
symbol before adding the item to your cart

Product code: WP
Ships in 5 business days or less!


At no extra cost, you can replace the printed headings of the 52-Week Planner™ with your own custom headings, or leave them blank. Click on the board # in the price list and follow the “modify board” instructions.
Lines and board headings are heat-fused printed into the porcelain-like dry-erase magnetic steel whiteboard surface to stay like new for a lifetime of daily use.
Includes dry-erase pens in 4 colors to write anywhere on the board.

Magnetic 1" x 3" cardholders in 5 colors with card inserts in 10 colors to sketch-out out and post major projects and plans.
Download your card-keying templates here.
Download your card-keying templates here.
Includes 5/8" magnet status signals in 10 colors to flag special attention or coding to you plans.