Teaching Timeline™ Schedule for Elementary Schools, with 15 min. Daily 7:30-4:00 Format and 3 Day-Rows per Teacher Magnetic School Whiteboard Systems
With this board, what's happening in your school will be a lot closer to what's scheduled to happen. See the full picture with color-coded subject assignments. 5 Sizes for 17, 25, 50, 75 or 100 teachers
See each subject and activity by its color-coded magnetic strip, signal and cardholder, displayed against the 15 minute 1/2" scale timeline with its start and ending time.
Each teacher has 3 timeline rows, for regular subjects, special subjects and staff assignments or extra activities. Each teacher has a built-in 5"x3"w color-coded T-card. The T-card's top 1" is visible for the teacher ID, and the body of the T-card concealed with teacher notes, observation records, assignments, etc. Just lift the T-card up in the file slot to read it. It will also hold a second T-Card with a 1/2" visible top with the name of a sub or assistant teacher assigned. Quickly make changes by moving colorful magnets, dry-erase writing on the board, or posting notes.
This magnetic board gives you a detailed place to show exactly what is happening in each teacher's classroom throughout the day. With a little imagination, you and your school management team will find dozens of ways of using this wonderful tool to display special curricula modules, observations and teacher accountability.
Easy to update... It is our hourly Master Schedule. I am using it right now to plan for next year's schedule. The board is easy to update which helps me keep on top of things.
Principal — Elementary School