Improvement Suggestions - Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard System
Post suggestions while they are fresh, so everyone can view, contribute and keep up-to-date with the idea flow and progress. This board says "Sure we can do it."
The art and practice of "team dynamics" is a skill that has a big payoff for the skillful. This board tool can help a lot.
Have you ever had a staff or team member suggest an improvement, only to be put down by someone who said they already suggested the same thing earlier? Suggestions for making improvements in existing products, designs, or procedures often get immediate judgmental attention when presented; then, when the press of daily business and more ideas take center stage, they are often shuffled out of sight to become forgotten and abandonded for lack of attention or advocacy.
This simple compelling board keeps improvement suggestions in view where each one gets its fair share of attention, time and evaluation from your team until it makes or misses the cut and is otherwise processed. Give it a try and harness the power of your team's master mind!