In-Out, Lunch and Location™ Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard Systems
One glance gives you the situation on each person. 2 Sizes: 19 to 31 names
Who's on duty? Who's out for lunch? Who's in but off-duty? Where are they? This board shows the answers for all to see. Place this system in your staff entry-exit area in view of the receptionist. As each staff member arrives or leaves, they slide the red magnet indicator to the In, Out, Lunch-in or Lunch-out column. When going to lunch and returning from lunch it shows they have left the premises for lunch or are eating in, but off-duty plus a space to write where they are going outside or located within the facility. This board is particularly useful for those who do not always work in the same location each day but generally arrive or exit at one location. Includes optional magnetic nameplate 1" x 6" cardholders with the card-keying template.
Solved our staffing issues... Even though we're a small office, it is a lot harder than you'd think to keep track of who is in and who is out during the day. For many of our clients, the services that we provide are invaluable to their daily survival. There were a couple of times last year where we were short staffed and had too many people out to lunch. Wouldn't you know that these were the times when we experienced a surge and our lack of available workers just made things more stressful for those we were trying to help. This board solved all of our staffing issues. Now before we leave the building for any reason, we go to the board to check and see if there are enough people to cover. It is quite simple. If too many people are already out, you don't leave until someone comes back.
Office Manager — Social Services Food Bank

Download your card-keying templates here.