QDIP Daily Process Management Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard System
Daily Metric Checks and Countermeasure Tracking for up to 7 Criteria.
The QDIP Daily Process Management whiteboard will become an essential tool for your huddle meetings and Gemba walks. Management and team leaders can assess, at-a-glance, the status of a process or work cell along the posted criteria.
The system includes sections for 31-Day symbols, countermeasure tracking, performance/trend charts and a legend area. At no extra cost you can change the board title, criteria names, countermeasure headings, legend notes and trend chart scales, or leave them blank by using the on-line "modify board headings" tool. Just click on an item in the price chart and follow the instructions. Other 31-day symbols and styles are available. If you don't see what you're looking for, contact us and we will create the board to suit your needs.
All board kits include red/green and yellow/blue 2-sided Flip-Overs® magnets for tracking daily target metrics. Green = goal met, red = goal missed, yellow = goal met-action needed, blue = holiday, or any coding that works for your operation.

QDIP letters and board design are permanently heat-fused printed onto the porcelain-like steel whiteboard to stay like new for a lifetime of daily use.

Green = target met
Red = target missed
Yellow = target achieved, action required
Blue = holiday or your coding.

Download your card-keying templates here.