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3 Things You Can Plan For This Thanksgiving

Here at Magnatag, we’re all about maximizing efficiency so you can spend more time focusing on the important things in life—like spending time with family for example! With one of America’s most popular holidays just around the corner, and we’d like to help you spend more time with your loved ones and less time planning. So here’s five ways you can plan ahead for turkey-day.

Create a checklist of who’s responsible for each dish
Creating checklists is an easy way to ensure that every dish will be prepared for the big day. To ensure that our company-wide Thanksgiving celebration went off without a hitch, Magnatag created a Step-Tracker whiteboard that was displayed in our break room. With the whiteboard readily accessible by every member of our team, we were able to ensure that no single dish was assigned to multiple people. There’s nothing worse than having to run into the madness that is a grocery store the day before thanksgiving—and whether you like to admit it or not, we’ve all been there. Dish checklists can also double as a guest itinerary, preventing any second-guessing that may result during the table setting phase. Regardless of the scope of your party, this is definitely one element of the planning process that should be considered a must-have.

Plan seating arrangements accordingly
Okay, so Uncle Tom and Aunt Barb aren’t talking anymore after the potato incident from last year, and your cousin Diane needs to have an empty seat next to her for a highchair for her son Joey, but her husband has to sit on the opposite side of the baby so that leaves room for one extra chair…

Sound familiar? If your family is anything like mine, there are a lot of moving intricacies that are involved with making family gatherings gel. Planning out your seating arrangements beforehand can avoid any possible confusion and mitigate the risk of unsavory conversations—and with 2016’s election now behind us, those are sure to follow.

Even if you don’t have to plan your seating arrangements out, it’s still nice to get a headcount to ensure there’s enough food to go around!

Plan how to cook your turkey
Some say that cooking your Thanksgiving turkey is an art form, and we couldn’t agree more! With so many variations to the Thanksgiving turkey just a mouse click away, it sometimes be overwhelming to pick only one to serve. But once you’ve settled between stuffed or deep fried, it all comes down to the execution.

I’ve met people that swear by slow cooking their turkey for at least 24 hours prior to serving. In a case like this, planning becomes an essential part of the cooking process. While on the other hand, there are some people that prefer to prep their turkey in the midst of company—which some guests may not consider to be ideal. Whichever way you choose to cook your turkey is entirely up to you; just be sure to secure yourself an ample amount of time for the cooking process.
On behalf of everyone at Magnatag Visible Systems, we’d like to thank our customers!

