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5 Reasons Why Whiteboards Can Make Life Easier For Hospitals

We have taken a look at various organizational charts that every business should have, and it's understandable that whiteboards are an essential part of keeping your business more organized and running as efficiently as possible. However, it's not only an office building that can benefit from having whiteboards: Schools use them as well to enhance the learning process, and hospitals are finding great uses for them, too.

Hospitals can benefit from using various types of whiteboards. Whether it's to keep a schedule, track a patient's progress, or keep a watch on the staff, whiteboards in hospitals are important for efficiency. Here are some ways that hospitals are using whiteboards to their advantage.
  1. 7-Day Unit Work Schedule: Hospitals are typically heavily staffed, which can lead to confusion if not handled and tracked properly. With a 7-Day Unit Work Schedule whiteboard, you can post who is working when and add in detailed task data for each shift. Each cell on the whiteboard is very specific and organized, so both hospital management and employees will be given concrete information on what needs to be done in a very efficient and organized manner.
  2. E.R. Patient Progress: With patients coming and going all around the clock, organization is key. With an E.R. Patient Progress whiteboard, doctors and hospital staff can keep track of all patients within the facility by documenting their information, including their name, who their nurse and doctor are, what time their next treatment is, and much more. This is a great way of keeping track of where a patient is at in the treatment process and what still needs to be completed.
  3. Hospital On-Call Board: Hospitals can be hectic, as it's work all around the clock that never seems to slow down. With a Hospital On-Call Board, you can keep track of which employees on the staff are on-call for either trauma or non-trauma work, sorted by their specialty, along with their name and phone number. With the often-hectic nature of hospitals, it's good to have this information clearly laid out in case it's needed.
  4. Surgery Schedule: A Surgery Schedule is a necessity for any hospital. This magnetic whiteboard will organize all patients, showing upcoming surgeries scheduled and all of the relevant information. You can keep track of the name of each patient, surgery date and time, and any additional information on the upcoming surgery. With something as important as surgeries, it's important to stay on track.
  5. Patient Bedside Board: According to studies, communication barriers in the hospital contribute to 65% of reported sentinel events.  In addition, nurses and house staff strongly agree that Patient Bedside Boards play an important role in improving patient care, teamwork and communication.  Having a bedside board that easily identifies important information such as contact information, daily goals and anticipated discharge date go a long way in improving not only communication but patient satisfaction.

Whether it's keeping track of patient schedules, seeing the progress of a particular patient, or even keeping track of your staff's information, it's clear why whiteboards are a true necessity for hospitals. Whiteboards aren't just an asset to a business office or educational institution: For a large variety of reasons, they can be instrumental in enhancing the success and efficiency of work done inside of a hospital as well. What do you think is the biggest benefit of having whiteboards in hospitals?


Healthcare and Hospitals