Over 2300 Job-Specific and All-Purpose Magnetic Whiteboard Kits
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Magnetic Erasers for Whiteboards

Magnetic Felt erasers in 2 styles

Eliminate searching and stretching for your eraser with these magnetic whiteboard erasers.

The Small-Spot® eraser is very handy for quick erasures as you write or update numbers, etc. and its magnetic core clings to the board where it's always easy to find.

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Price EachPen-Holder Eraser
One2 - 45 - 910 - 2425 +
Magnetic Felt White Board Eraser & Pen Holder
Price EachFelt Eraser
One2 - 45 - 910 - 2425 +
Magnetic White-Board Felt Eraser
ColorPrice eachSmallSpot™ Eraser
1 - 45 - 910 - 2425 - 4950 - 99100 +
Small-Spot™ magnetic Eraser
*White (blank)$5.59$4.90$4.16$3.91$3.62$3.35SELECT