Over 2300 Job-Specific and All-Purpose Magnetic Whiteboard Kits
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Job Flow Tracker® Magnetic Modular Dry-Erase Whiteboard Systems

Your daily work plan against a left-to-right timeline. Day by day and line by line, this system delivers the big picture you can instantly update by moving magnets. Expandable to any length. 50" high, 1" or 1/2" rows, 4, 6 and 8 week models.

Visually plan and track jobs daily for 4, 6, 8 or more weeks with this completely flexible magnetic modular sliding track system. Each 14-day panel (with shaded weekends) can be lifted out and repositioned for a continuous left-to-right date line. Includes a comprehensive supply kit with magnetic cardholders and Letter-Easy PC card lettering system, write-on magnet strips you can scissor-cut to show job length, magnetic date & month sets, etc.

This Job-Flow-Tracker® system Includes assembly with staging panels and OverRider device for gliding any panel over the face of the other panels and satin-aluminum wall track assembly. Lightweight, porcelain-like, heat-fused edge-formed steel panels fit in the wall tracks with just a formed-edge seam (no panel side frames) and appear as one long board. Use magnets and dry-erase write on the board too. Designed for a lifetime of daily use. Ships in 5 business days or less.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com
At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the symbol before adding the item to your cart
Product code: TRXK
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Ships in 5 business days or less!
Satin aluminum slide tracks.
12" w. line item panel—for heavy job loading, use 2 or more lines per work station.
Lines and board headings are heat-fused printed into the porcelain-like dry-erase magnetic steel whiteboard surface to stay like new for a lifetime of daily use.
Shaded weekend columns.
18" width lined staging panel.
Numbered rows to reduce posting and reading errors.
Heat-fused printed lines, days, and shaded weekends.
Magnet month and date sets included.
Magnetic 3/8" status signals in 10 colors to grab attention, show priority, or your own coding.
39 rows with cells 1-1/8" h x 2-3/8"w hold 1" x 2" magnets
70 rows with cells 5/8" h x 2-3/8"w hold 1/2" x 2" magnets
Damp/Dry Write-on Magnet Strips in 10 assorted colors.
Magnetic cardholders in 5 colors and card inserts in 10 colors for up to 50 color-combination codes.

Download your card-keying templates here.
For a continuous left to right date line, just lift the light-weight panel out of the track when its time period has expired, slide the other panels to the left, reinsert the completed panel at the right end of the track and set it up for the next time period.

Production Tracker® has 14 day sections, left and right end job line and staging panels, plus tracks and OverRider mechanism.

Rolling OverRider lets you engage any of the panels and glide it over the face of the system.

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Capacities, sizes and options
DaysRowsOverall h x w14 Day Panels
283950" x 100"2
423950" x 134"3
563950" x 167"4
143950" x 33-1/4"1 Add-on*
One1 @ $3,149
2 - 41 @ $3,055
5 - 91 @ $2,961
10 - 241 @ $2,867
25 +1 @ $2,772
  • 1"h magnets - 39 rows
  • Days: 28
  • Rows: 39
  • Overall h x w: 50" x 100"
  • 14 Day Panels: 2
  • with Magnets Dry-erase tools & supplies

What comes with this item

Qty: 2

47"h x 33-1/4"w 14-day shaded weekend panel sections, 1-1/8" x 2-3/8" scale heat-fused printed white MagnaLux™ steel

Qty: 1

47"h x 12"w 1-1/8" Horiz. lined line-item section (as above)

Qty: 1

47"h x 18"w 1-1/8"" Horiz. lined staging section (as above)

Qty: 100

Inches of Single SlideTrack Set, K-type

Qty: 1

OverRider Adapter to engage any system panel, rolls along the top track and moves panels over the face of the system

Qty: 40

Magnetic cardholders, 1" x 6", 5 colors: White, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red for line items

Qty: 1

Package of 10 sheets (120 total) card inserts in 10 colors perforated 12-up to fit Magnatag #CH16 1" x 6" cardholders

Qty: 100

Magnetic cardholders, 1" x 2", 10 assorted colors for job data

Qty: 2

Packages of 10 sheets (960 total) card inserts in 10 colors perforated 48-up to fit Magnatag #CH12 1" x 2" cardholders

Qty: 100

Magnet circle status signals, 3/8" dia. 10 colors

Qty: 30

Damp/Dry Write-on Magnet Strips 3/4" x 12", 10 Asst.

Qty: 2

Damp erase magnet marking pen, black

Qty: 2

Rolls of 1/8" x 324" PreciseLine® removable-adhesive bold line chart tape, Black and Red

Qty: 1

Set(s) of 31 individual 5/8"x 5/8" printed date magnets, white on black

Qty: 1

set(s) of 12 individual Jan-Dec month magnets 1-1/8" x 2-1/4" white on black

Qty: 1

Magnet Storage Box, transparent plastic, 13" x 9" x 2"

Qty: 1

Set(s) of 4 Dry-Erase Bullet-point board markers, 4 colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue

Qty: 1

Whiteboard Combination PandaBoard® Brand Felt Eraser and Pen-holder that magnetically clings to the steel board surface. Up to 4 pens clip into the eraser. Patented.

Qty: 1

8 oz. pump-spray bottle of PandaBoard® Brand Whiteboard Cleaner and Conditioner

Qty: 1

Pack of 5 large lint-free board wipes

Qty: 1

Pkg of 2 WakTack® Rare Earth Magnets for tacking paper notes on the board, 2 colors. Patented. for tacking paper documents to the whiteboard.