Hazmat, Warning and Safety Pictogram Magnets
Perfect for steel doors, shelves, cabinets and containers. 58 images, 3 sizes.
These common pictogram hazard magnets are designed for use on steel shelves, hazardous materials cabinets, steel storage containers, inventory whiteboards or any steel surface, alerting staff to the presence of hazardous materials or conditions. They are grouped into 5 sub-categories, including: GHS, HazMat (DOT), yellow triangle, biohazard and general safety.
The Hazmat Pictogram magnets are 40 mil (.04 inch) thick, with a solid 10 mil (.01 inch) hard flexible plastic damp-erase or dry-erase gloss writing surface, laminated to strong 30 mil (.03 inch) permanently magnetized flexible soft magnetic rubber.
Available in 3 sizes: 2", 3", and 4".
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GHS Hazard MagnetsHazmat (DOT) MagnetsTriangle Hazard MagnetsBiohazard MagnetsGeneral Safety Magnets
1.1 Mass Explosive Hazard1.2 Explosive - Blast, Projection Hazard1.3 Explosive - Minor Blast, Fire or Projection Hazard1.4 Explosive - Major Fire or Projection Hazard1.5 Explosive - Blasting Agent1.6 Explosive - Extremely Insensitive, No Mass Explosive Hazard2.1 Flammable Gas2.2 Non-flammable, Non-toxic Gas2.3 Inhalation Hazard, Poison Gas3 Flammable Liquids4.1 Flammable Solids4.2 Spontaneously Combustible Solids4.3 Dangerous When Wet5.1 Oxidizing Substances5.2 Organic Peroxides6 Poisonous Materials6.1 Inhalation Hazard6.2 Infectious Substances7 Radioactive I7 Radioactive II7 Radioactive III7 Fissile8 Corrosive Substances9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials
Magnet Side Length | Overall Size h x w |
2" | 2-3/4" x 2-3/4" |
3" | 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" |
4" | 5-5/8" x 5-5/8" |

Quantity | Price |
1 - 2 | 1 @ $17.89 |
3 - 4 | 1 @ $16.84 |
5 + | 1 @ $15.78 |
- 6 Poisonous Materials
- Magnet Side Length: 4"
- Overall Size h x w: 5-5/8" x 5-5/8"