Job-Stage Status Tracker® Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard Systems
Keep jobs in view and in control through process stages with a quick view of active jobs in your shop and with room in each production stage for status notes. 2 Sizes: 25 to 34 jobs. 7 to 14 stages
Plan the progression time and priority for each job in each stage. One glance can show you the work load at each stage and the progress of all jobs as they move from one stage to the next. Use the 10 magnetic signal colors to show the job status at any point in the process. Dry-erase write on the board in 4 colors and use magnets. The stage columns can also represent time segments (hours, days, shifts, etc.), or assignment locations as well as production stages.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com

At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the
symbol before adding the item to your cart

Product code: JST
Ships in 5 business days or less!


At no extra cost, you can replace your Job-Stage Status Tracker's® printed board headings and titles with your custom words. Click on the board # in price list and follow "Modify Board" instructions.
Lines and board headings are heat-fused printed into the porcelain-like dry-erase magnetic steel whiteboard surface to stay like new for a lifetime of daly use.
Dry-erase pens in 4 colors to write anywhere on the board.
Magnetic status signals in 10 colors.
Numbered rows to reduce posting errors.

Magnetic 1" x 10" cardholders (5 colors) with card inserts (10 colors).
Download your card-keying templates here.
Download your card-keying templates here.