Used Car Inventory - Magnetic Auto Dealers Whiteboard Systems
Color-coded by model, year, condition, accessories. 3 Sizes for 100, 250 or 500 cars
Everything is magnetic and moveable. Set up your inventory picture any way that fits your operation. Use the 5 magnetic cardholder colors and 10 card insert colors to create up to 50 color combination codes for quick model and status recognition. (more colors available). It's fast and easy to operate; move units as fast as you can reposition the magnets. It comes with a CD/ROM card insert-keying template to make neat card data. You can write on the cards too and on the dry-erase whiteboard in 4 colors.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com

At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the
symbol before adding the item to your cart

Product code: CRUN
Ships in 5 business days or less!


At no extra cost, you can print the board title and headings of your Used Car Inventory board with your custom words or leave the cells blank. Click on the board # in the price list and follow "Modify Board" instructions.

Includes printed headings with black magnetic card holders, or print your own headings on card inserts provided:
1-3/8" x 6" for section headings
1-3/8" x 2" for model year headings
Dry-erase pens in 4 colors to write anywhere on the board.
Adhesive FlashSpot™ signal labels in 4 colors can show inventory status (sold, hold, service, etc).

1-3/8 x 2" Magnetic cardholders in 5 colors can show condition, mileage, or your own code.
10 card colors can code model, year, color or whatever suits your need.
Download your card-keying templates here.
Download your card-keying templates here.